Esperance Care Services believes that the best and most effective way to work is to work together. Our hope for clients is to see sustained, regular support holistically provided by the wider community. To support clients to move forward in their life, ECS has established an extensive referral network (both to receive from and refer to) and can refer clients to a variety of other community service providers. These include:
- Centrelink
- ESCARE for financial counselling, and family support services
- Population Health – including the social worker at the hospital
- ECAS (Esperance Crisis Accommodation Service) for short term emergency accommodation.
- Community Mental Health
- Centrecare for clinical counselling
- BOICO (Bay of Isles Community Outreach),
a non-government organisation that provides support to people with a mental illness, and those who care for people with mental illness. - Homeswest for housing applications
- Goldfields Legal Service
- Hope Community Services - Drug and Alcohol Support
- Restore Hope – soup kitchen
- Red Cross – Housing
- HACC Services
- NDIS service providers
- Teen Challenge
- Esperance Community Police
- Juvenile Justice
- Participation Coordinators linked to Esperance Senior High School
- Child Protection and Family Services
- YouthCARE chaplaincy services
- Local Schools
- Max Employment
- Forrest Personnel
- Local churches