Any further questions please call the Volunteer Manager at Esperance Care Services during business hours.


As we progress through the WA Roadmap for the phased easing of COVID-19 restrictions, Esperance Care Services (ECS) remains focused on ensuring the safety of our team, the people we support and the community.

We have promoted good hygiene, suspended group-based activities, postponed volunteering and reduced face-to-face contact wherever possible.

This has been possible through finding innovative ways to continue non-critical services over the phone – via Zoom conference and through other methods that don’t require close contact.

Now, as we progress through Phase 3 of the Roadmap, our flexible working practices remain in place as we implement a gradual return to our usual workplaces and re-establishment of services within social distancing requirements.

Throughout this crisis, we have continued to provide essential critical services that are needed to maintain the health and wellbeing of the people we support.

Our Thrift Shop opened Tuesday 26th May with the implementation of our mandatory COVID-19 Safety Plan.  A structured and staged return to work for volunteers was put in place with all volunteers required to attend mandatory COVID-19 Workplace Training before commencing back at work.

Current health information advises that we continue to adhere to physical distancing guidelines and the 2 square metres per person rule, as well as maintain good personal hygiene.

Customers are asked / encouraged to use the hand sanitizer provided as they enter the shop.

Emergency Relief Services will continue and face to face interviews will be available with special precautions in place.

    • Phone interviews can still continue where appropriate
    • Hampers can be delivered where required
    • Regular checks by phone will be made to vulnerable clients

Additional precautions and safety measures:

    • Careful and gradual return to usual workplaces and support services
    • Observing strict hygiene practices and social distancing
    • Minimising teams working across different services
    • Group and community activities postponed until further notice

We’ll continue to review our response to the outbreak and provide regular updates to our team, our volunteers, the people we support and their families.

For up to date information, we recommend you regularly visit the following websites:

If you have any questions you need answered, please contact us.